
3 What is your opinion of the SUPERFOODS DAY as we organized it in our project?
it was fun / It was fun. / It was fun / pretty good I guess / It was so boring and I didnt like it / It was good / In my opinion is SUPERFOOD DAY good. / A great day with friends and superfoods, it was also a great rest of the normal school programme - I enjoyed that. / I enjoyed the SUPERFOOD DAY very well. / A fun and extraordinary experience / It was good. / It's great / it's great
4 What is your favourite activity of our project?
Drawing / Drawing / I don´t know / Making goat in art / I don´t know. / The Superfoods day / I don't know - all activites was good / all of them / Cook eat. / Doing some interisting things on computer / working in the internet
5 What is the most important benefit of taking part in our e-twinning cooking project? Rate the answers in order of importance. (1, 2, 3…)
(a) Communicating with students from other countries in twin space, exchanging opinions and thus, finally making new friends,
(b) Practising the English language,

(c) Using ICT,
(d) Expanding your knowledge of Superfoods and learning to appreciate them,

(f) Improving or even discovering skills and abilities that some students possess and can be used in the project, eg drawing, photography, cooking, writing poetry, etc
(g) Learning to accept your friends despite differences (tolerance),

(h) Learning to co-operate with other students and work effectively within a team in order to produce work,
(i) Expressing your creativity through a school project,

(k) Having fun with our online games, activities,cartoons etc.

6 What were your main sources of information for your project work?
The Internet - 15 x

8 If yes, what other school subjects are linked to your e-twinning project?
arts , German language / Arts, German.../ Art / At project was link arts /Art, Music, Czech / Czech,arts
9 What impressed you most in the project?
project day / project day / project day / Food / food / Project day / Cooperative with oder country / A lot of new informations about superfoods and exploring new recepies / FOOD !!! / Food, interesting things

14 What subject of an e-twinning project might interest you?
I don't know / I don´t know. / I dont know / I don't know. / Middle Ages in our country. / something about hi-tech or national sports for example / a subject that allows us to "make" new things, instead of just looking up information / English, Art, Music / I don't know
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